Thursday, November 16, 2023

Understanding IV Therapy: What Are Intravenous Therapy Basics


Intravenous therapy is a commonly used treatment process generally used in medical emergencies to deliver fluids, blood, nutrition, or medicine to patients. A needle is stuck inside the veins to deliver what’s needed directly into the vein. From blood transfusion to giving saline to a patient, these are all examples of IV therapy. With that primary understanding of IV therapy, let’s get into intravenous therapy basics with an introduction to IV treatments

There is an increasingly large variety of treatments offered under IV therapy that are highly effective at treating symptoms and offering relief. Understanding IV therapy and its benefits will help you avail these treatments to improve your quality of life. So, let’s dive into how IV therapy works and the various treatments you can avail at your local IV bar Delhi when you search for “IV therapy near me” online.

How Does IV Therapy Work?

There’s a detailed process of how IV therapy is used in medicine. Currently, it is one of the closest to personalized medicine that is available for patients today. Based on a patient’s age, sex, health status, and severity of symptoms, doctors create the perfect IV blend for each patient. This process ensures that IV therapy has minimized risks and maximized results that can help you feel better quickly compared to traditional treatment methods. Here is a detailed look into how IV therapy is performed.


  • A plastic tube called a cannula is placed on the hands of the patient. (Hands are the most common site for IV therapy treatments, however, the treatment can also be administered in other sites such as feet and arms.) The cannula has a needle inside it, which guides the cannula into the veins easily.
  • Once the needle pierces the skin and the cannula is inserted into the vein, the needle is taken out. The piercing of the skin hurts a little bit and can be compared to the pain experienced from a small insect bite.
  • The rest of the cannula is secured to the IV site using tape. The small tubing that’s taped to the IV site is then connected to a larger tube and IV bag. This bag contains the fluid that’s required by the patient, which can be medicines, fluids, or blood. When the two tubes are connected, the fluid has direct access into your bloodstream.
  • When the cannula is inserted into the IV site, it should not cause any pain unless the cannula is moved. To avoid this, the outer end of the cannula is taped, however, if in any case, the cannula moves, it can cause mild pain for the patient.
  • In cases where patients only require IV medicines for a brief period, doctors use a different IV technique that doesn’t use a cannula.
  • Lastly, if doctors notice that there is any health complication arising from the IV, the cannula is removed immediately and the treatment is stopped.

Benefits of IV Therapy

Rapid Delivery & Action

IV therapy can be administered quickly. The amount of any medicine that can be administered through IV is higher than any other type of treatment. This is especially important for emergency patients who require medicines or nutrients as quickly as possible.

Better Nutrient Absorption

Since the substances are directly delivered into the bloodstream, they are absorbed quicker, which allows the medicines to take action faster. As mentioned earlier, this is very essential in emergency medical situations. Apart from that, it is also a great treatment option for people who have difficulty absorbing nutrients from dietary sources due to digestive issues.

Improved Hydration

Rapid rehydration is one of the most important benefits of IV therapy. It is highly effective and good for patients that are dehydrated due to illness or surgery. IV therapy allows doctors to restore the electrolyte balance in patients, which helps with faster recovery and better response to other treatments.

Specific Dosage Control

IV therapy allows doctors to control the dosage of the substances being delivered to the patient on a dynamic basis. Based on the requirements, the dosage can be increased or decreased to help manage the symptoms being addressed by the treatment. This is especially important in cases where patients are suffering from chronic pain. Dosage control allows doctors to manage the dosage of pain medication to ensure patients have a painless recovery.

Reduced Side Effects

IV therapy skips the GI system and directly transports the compound to the bloodstream. This allows patients to skip any and all gastrointestinal side effects that may come from certain oral medications. Additionally, IV therapy allows the medicine to take effect quicker and have better absorption in the body.

Great Help For Critical Patients

IV therapy was initially used to treat critical patients who are unable to consume medicines orally. For patients who are critically ill or need emergency medical attention, IV therapy lets doctors provide emergency medical care to them regardless if they are able to respond or not.


Chemotherapy is an IV therapy that is one of the most effective treatment options against cancer. It not only helps kill the cancer cells in the body, but it also protects your body from the spread of cancer, making it a life-saving treatment course for cancer patients.


IV therapy has been reintroduced and today it is used to improve a patient’s quality of life rather than just using it to treat health concerns. From curing a hangover to helping your body recover quickly after a heavy workout, IV therapy offers useful real-life treatments that will help you make your life easier. To learn more about IV therapy and its treatment options, visit MASSH. We specialize in IV treatments in Delhi and are one of the leading hospitals for personalized IV therapy treatments. Check out our website or visit us today to learn more about our treatment options and services.


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