Friday, October 20, 2023

Hernia Surgery: Exploring Treatment Options and Recovery


Based on your symptoms and your hernia type, doctors recommend patients to go for any of the various hernia surgery types each with different recovery times. This is mainly because a hernia in most cases is only treated using surgical procedures. Thanks to the advances of medical technology, today there’s a variety of surgical options available for different types of hernia. 

These procedures offer quicker recovery compared to traditional hernia operation recovery. So, if you are looking for hernia repair surgery in Delhi, let’s learn about the different options available. We will also be delving into the different hernia surgery complications and hernia surgery recovery time for each procedure.

What Are The Different Hernia Surgery Treatments?

There are three hernia surgery types that can be used to treat hernias of all types. The surgeries have varying degrees of risk and have different procedures. The recovery time also varies from surgery to surgery. Let’s review the different hernia surgery treatments.

Open Surgery

Open surgery otherwise known as traditional hernia repair surgery is effective for all types of hernia. However, the site and the size of incision differ based on the type of hernia you may have. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia and has certain risks associated with the procedure. Let’s take a look at the open surgery procedure before learning more about its recovery timeline and associated risks.

  • Procedure: An open surgery involves making a single large incision near the location of the hernia. No special surgical tools are required for this surgery as doctors operate based on the visuals they have through the incision. Once doctors have located the hernia, they put the organ or tissue that’s herniated back in its place using surgical tools. Doctors then stitch the tissues back in place and even use mesh sometimes to close the abdominal wall. Once the herniated tissue has been put back into place and the abdominal wall stitched up, that’s the end of the procedure.
  • Recovery: Open surgery generally has the longest recovery time because a large incision is made into the body. However, even with a longer recovery period, patients can get back to light activity from the first or second week after surgery with total recovery in a few weeks. A hospital stay may be required for open surgery with a part of the recovery process being spent in the hospital under the observation of doctors before you are discharged.
  • Risks: As an open surgery, there are certain risks involved with an open hernia surgery such as the risk of bleeding and infections. There are other risks for this surgery including the risk of hernia recurrence and the risk of nerve damage, which could lead to numbness to the skin on the surgery site. It is important to note that with a good surgeon, these risks can be mitigated.

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery or laparoscopic hernia repair surgery is one of the most commonly used surgeries used to treat hernia today. This type of surgery has a short recovery period and doesn’t have a lot of the risks associated with open surgery. Patients can even opt for these surgeries on an outpatient basis where they are free to go home after the surgery on the same day. Let’s take a look at the procedure of how these surgeries work followed by its recovery timeline and the risks involved.

  • Procedure: Laparoscopic surgeries are performed under both general and local anesthesia. Based on the location of your surgery as well as the size of the hernia, doctors will recommend what’s best suited for you. Once you are ready for the surgery, doctors make small incisions (3-4) to insert surgical tools into the surgery site. Laparoscopic surgery uses special surgical tools that are used to get the required visuals to perform the surgery. The rest of the surgical process remains the same for laparoscopic surgeries with the herniated tissue or organ being put back in its place using surgical tools. The incisions and the tissues are then stitched to complete the surgery.
  • Recovery: Recovery is relatively quicker with laparoscopic procedures compared to an open surgery. Patients can usually get back to light activities in less than a week’s time after the procedure with complete recovery in just a few weeks. A hospital stay is not required in most cases for this type of surgery.
  • Risks: The risk of bleeding and infections are common for all types of surgical procedures and they are there for laparoscopic surgeries too. Apart from that since the incisions made are smaller, the risk of nerve damage is quite low with this type of surgery.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery is one of the most technologically advanced surgical treatments available for hernia. This type of surgery is extremely precise and helps remove any type of hernia regardless of their site and size. Robotic surgery is only offered in select hospitals at the time in India, so if you are interested, you should definitely visit MASSH (more on this later.) Let’s review the procedure, recovery, and risks of robotic surgery.


  • Procedure: Robotic surgery generally can use both local and general anesthesia and doctors use a console to operate during this surgery. The rest of the procedure is the same as the other surgeries with the herniated tissue or organ being put back in its place using the surgical tools. Much like laparoscopic surgery, small incisions are made during a robotic surgery, which aids in quicker recovery and fewer risks than other procedures.
  • Recovery: The recovery for robotic surgery is quite similar to laparoscopic surgeries with patients being able to get back to light physical activities within the first week of the surgery. Total recovery takes roughly a few weeks.
  • Risks: Among the surgeries discussed in this blog, robotic surgeries have the lowest risks because they are extremely precise and performed only by the top doctors in the industry. However, the risk of bleeding and infections on the surgery site are common among robotic surgeries too. These risks can be mitigated by following the post-surgery recovery instructions that your doctors recommend.


These are the most common hernia surgery types that you should know about. To learn more about hernia treatment options or even non-surgical treatment options for hernia, visit our website. At MASSH we offer personalised treatment options for hernia to all our patients. We specialize in laparoscopic surgery for a hernia to help you recover quickly with minimal risks. So, if you or your loved ones are looking for hernia repair surgery in Delhi, feel free to visit us today at MASSH.


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