Urethral strictures and more precisely the treatment for urethral strictures can cause conditions like erectile dysfunction in men. Even though ED is treatable, it can affect sexual function temporarily. And in worse cases, patients can get penile curvature or shortening due to urethral stricture treatment. This can negatively impact their sexual function and libido.
But, what is the link between urethral stricture and fertility? Unfortunately, urethral stricture male fertility and female fertility can be affected by the condition. It can also have some adverse effects on female sexual function. But to what degree? Let’s find out.
What’s The Impact Of Urethral Stricture On Male Fertility?
The impact of urethral stricture on male fertility differs from what you might think. Because of the stricture, there is a problem with the sperm exiting your urethra. Plus, inflammation, infection, or narrowing in the urethra affects your fertility meaning it affects the quality and health of your sperm. This can impact your ability to fertilise an egg. Given strictures don’t heal on their own, if left untreated, they can permanently damage a man’s ability to fertilise an egg.
Additionally, treatment processes of urethral strictures like urethrotomy can sometimes cause ejaculatory disorders in your urethra. This is because urethrotomy can require cutting out a part of your urethra where the stricture is and grafting it with tissue from other parts of your body. So, this process can fix the urinary functions in your body, but you can still have trouble with ejaculation.
However, you should note that the risks mentioned above are very rare and not getting treatment for your urethral stricture leaves you at a higher risk of affecting your fertility than getting a urethrotomy. With proper post-operative care, you will be able to retain your fertility and ability to enjoy sex.
Also Read More: Coping With The Emotional And Psychological Impact Of Urethral Stricture

What’s The Impact Of Urethral Stricture On Female Fertility?
When it comes to female fertility, urethral strictures don’t directly harm your fertility, but the infections that it causes can definitely have a negative impact on your fertility if it reaches your pelvis. If you are practicing safe sex, and taking care of your diet, you should be able to keep yourself safe. In terms of urethral stricture treatment, it does not really affect female fertility or sexual functioning in any major way. After surgery, the area around the urethra can be sore, so doctors might advise you to not engage in sexual activity for a few days, other than that, the sexual functions and fertility in the female body are not affected as much by urethral strictures.
That is a brief summary of the impact of urethral stricture on the sexual function and fertility of both men and women. Due to anatomy, men are more affected by this condition than women in regard to sexual function and fertility. But it does not have it that way. With proper treatment, you can get rid of your strictures without hampering your sexual health.
And that is exactly what we provide here at MASSH. Our experienced team of experts works tirelessly to ensure a safe recovery from urethral strictures with minimal chances of recurrence. They also help you navigate the post-operative risks and how to keep yourself safe from them. Check out our website to learn more about our treatment processes or book an appointment to visit us today.
Important Link: Treatment Options Of Urethral Stricture
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