Monday, September 16, 2024

Beer for Kidney Stones: Myths Vs Facts


Kidney stones are a common health problem faced by over 115 million people worldwide. As a common health problem, various treatment options for kidney stones are used commonly. From tried-and-tested medical treatment options to unconventional dietary and lifestyle habits, there are several things people try to pass their kidney stones. In India, around 5 to 7 million people suffer from kidney stones. One of the more unconventional treatment options for kidney stones is drinking beer.

Yes! Beer for kidney stones is considered a standard method to treat the problem. Many say drinking regular beer can help flush out kidney stone particles. Therefore, you can avoid undergoing any surgery. However, the question remains- does beer prevent kidney stones? To help you with these myths vs. facts, we have explained the myths and facts about kidney stones and beer and why only beer shouldn't be your treatment option for the problem.

What are Kidney Stones?

Renal calculi, another name for kidney stones, are hard deposits that develop in the kidneys. These stones contain several materials, such as cystine, calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. One reason they can grow is an imbalance in the concentration of these chemicals in the urine, resulting in the potential to crystallise and form solid masses at excessive concentrations. 

While passing through the urinary tract, these stones may produce excruciating pain as well as other symptoms.

Different Causes of Kidney Stones:

As mentioned above, kidney stones can develop due to an imbalance of calcium, oxalate, and uric acid concentration. However, there are other reasons behind the trigger:

  • Inadequate Water Intake: Concentrated urine tends to precipitate into stones quickly, so consuming less water daily can raise the risk of kidney stones.
  • Diet Imbalance: Consuming a lot of sugar, salt, or high-protein diets can raise the risk of developing some kinds of kidney stones. Foods high in oxalates, such as almonds, spinach, and beets, can also cause stones to develop.
  • Obesity: Because obesity alters the digestive system and puts more strain on the kidneys, being overweight increases the chance of kidney stones.
  • Medical Conditions: Kidney stones can develop due to several chronic conditions, including renal tubular acidosis and specific UTIs.

Understanding Different Types of Kidney Stones

Different types of kidney stones are categorized based on the composition of materials. These are:

  • Uric Acid Stones: Overly acidic urine can precipitate uric acid crystals, resulting in the growth of stones. They can happen to people who have a diet high in purines or who have diseases like gout.
  • Struvite Stones: Also known as infection stones, these stones develop from bacterial urinary tract infections. They can multiply and become big.
  • Cystine Stones: These uncommon stones originate from a hereditary condition known as cystinuria, which impairs the reabsorption of the amino acid cystine in both kidneys.
  • Xanthine Stones: Xanthine stones are caused by a genetic condition known as xanthinuria, which causes elevated xanthine levels in the urine.

Myths and Facts about Beer for Kidney Stones

Many misconceptions or myths exist about beer's potential to prevent kidney stones. Here, we dispel a few widespread misconceptions to help you better grasp how and why drinking beer in moderation can help treat kidney stones.

Myth 1: Kidney stones dissolve with beer

There is a myth that beer can help in dissolving kidney stones. This is untrue. Drinking beer cannot dissolve kidney stones that are already present, even though it may have some potential benefits for hydration and other chemicals.

Myth 2: All forms of kidney stones can be avoided with beer

Some people think that alcohol can stop kidney stones altogether. However, depending on the kind of stone, drinking beer may have different consequences. There isn't a kidney stone prevention strategy that works for everyone.

Myth 3: Drinking More Beer Will Help Prevent It

An additional misconception is that drinking more beer makes kidney stones less likely to occur. While drinking beer in moderation may offer some advantages, consuming too much alcohol can cause dehydration and other health problems.

Myth 4: Drinking Beer by Itself Prevents Kidney Stones

A well-rounded strategy is needed to prevent kidney stones, which includes drinking enough water, eating a balanced diet, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Kidney stone prevention is not successful if beer consumption is the only factor considered.

Facts About Beer for Kidney Stones

A few essential details about the connection between kidney stones and beer must be considered. Although drinking beer in moderation may help prevent kidney stones, it's important to proceed cautiously when interpreting this information. These facts will help you understand the reasons kidney stones and using beer consumption as a treatment and prevention option for this condition is considered.

Fact 1: Higher Fluid Consumption

Like other fluids, beer can increase total fluid intake, which is essential for staying hydrated. Staying well-hydrated lowers the chance of kidney stones forming and helps dilute urine.

Fact 2: Content of Phytochemicals

Certain plant chemicals, such as polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, are found in beer. These substances improve kidney function and lower the risk of kidney stones.

Fact 3: Advantages of Particular Stones

According to research, drinking beer in moderation may reduce the chance of developing uric acid stones, which are caused by excessive uric acid levels in the urine. However, more studies are needed to determine the precise mechanisms and effects.

Here are some suggestions if you Drink Beer:

If you are keen to try on the beer for kidney stones without undergoing any surgery, here are some suggestions you must consider.

  • Avoid Overconsumption: While beer may not be a miracle treatment for kidney stones, some research indicates that moderate alcohol use may be linked to a lower risk of kidney stone development in specific cases. It is crucial to remember that consuming too much alcohol, like beer, can cause dehydration, which raises the possibility of kidney stones developing.
  • Intake of Excess Water: Water is a hero in preventing kidney stones! It's critical to drink enough water to keep your kidneys healthy. Getting enough water in your diet helps dilute your urine, which reduces the likelihood of stones forming. Raise your water bottle, and let's toast to healthy kidneys!
  • Maintaining a Balanced Diet: A balanced diet prevents kidney stones and helps people stay hydrated. If you are a regular beer drinker, you must work on your diet to maintain balance.

How are Kidney Stones Treated?

Although there are myths and facts regarding beer and kidney stones, it is essential to seek the proper consultation and treatment from a specialist. You can seek kidney stone treatment in Delhi from a professional at MASSH and have a better life. Kidney stone treatment depends on various aspects, such as the size, location, composition, and degree of symptoms of the stone

Treatment options include non-invasive techniques like extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to break up stones or ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy. Medication to control symptoms and facilitate stone transit is also a possibility. Physicians make treatment decisions based on each patient's unique situation and the stone's unique properties. In addition, you can try drinking lemon juice, basil juice and water, and apple cider vinegar with water as home remedies to help pass kidney stones.


While drinking beer isn't bad, relying entirely on it to treat kidney stones can be harmful. It is essential to have the proper medication or treatment from a specialist. You can consider kidney stone treatment in Delhi at MASSH, where you will receive comprehensive care ranging from diagnosis to advanced treatment. We specialize in modern minimally invasive and non-invasive surgical treatment options for kidney stones. Our world class infrastructure and experienced team can help you treat any type of kidney stone problem with ease. Feel free to visit us today to consult with our specialists.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

How serious are kidney stones?

Kidney stones can range from being a minor inconvenience to a serious medical condition, depending on their size, location, and whether they cause complications. Here’s how they can vary in severity:

1. Small Stones:

Often Passed Naturally: Small kidney stones, typically less than 5mm, often pass through the urinary tract on their own without causing significant problems.
Symptoms: They may cause mild discomfort, such as minor pain or irritation, as they pass.

2. Larger Stones:

Painful: Larger stones can cause intense pain, often described as sharp or cramping, that usually starts suddenly and may come in waves. This pain, known as renal colic, typically occurs in the back, side, or lower abdomen.

Potential for Blockage: Larger stones may block the urinary tract, leading to severe pain, blood in the urine (hematuria), and possible infection.

3. Complications:

Infection: If a kidney stone causes a blockage, it can lead to a urinary tract infection (UTI), which may spread to the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Symptoms of infection include fever, chills, and cloudy or foul-smelling urine.

Kidney Damage: In severe cases, untreated kidney stones can lead to chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure, especially if they cause repeated infections or persistent blockages.

Surgical Intervention: Some kidney stones may require surgical removal if they are too large to pass on their own or if they cause ongoing pain or complications.

4. Medical Attention:

Seek Immediate Care: Severe pain, signs of infection, or an inability to urinate should prompt immediate medical attention. These could indicate serious complications that need prompt treatment.
Overall, while many kidney stones are not life-threatening, they can cause significant discomfort and complications if not properly managed. It’s important to seek medical advice if you suspect you have a kidney stone treatment.

Friday, June 28, 2024

8 Essential Preventive Health Checkups for Indian Women

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In today’s busy life, it’s important for Indian women to get regular health checkups to find and prevent problems as early as possible. In recent years, Indian women have focused more on preventive health care. In 2023, approximately 48% of women reported prioritizing their health through regular checkups and preventive care, an increase from 45% in 2022 and 40% in 2021. 

Only 37% of women in India have access to quality healthcare, compared to 67% of men, according to a study by AIIMS and other institutions. In today's fast-paced world, women's wellness is important, and preventative screening allows women to take control of their health. So, let’s discuss preventive health checkups, their importance and tests that every Indian woman should consider taking to stay healthy and safe from common health conditions.

Importance of Preventative Health Checkups & Screening Tests

Preventative health screenings are extremely important to stay healthy as you age. Statistics show around 30% of women in India have at least one chronic morbidity that affects their lives. Additionally, 9% of women in India have two or more morbidities, and this is only considering the women who have been diagnosed so far. 

Given the huge population of the country and the disparity in access to healthcare across the country, the actual number could be much higher. So, to help you live a healthier life, you must go through preventative screenings and checkups, and to prove the benefits to you, here are some of the most important reasons you should opt for preventative health checkups.

  • Early Detection of Chronic Conditions: Early detection of chronic medical conditions allows you to treat the condition easily. Be it through medicinal treatment or simple lifestyle changes and dietary modifications. A lot of chronic illnesses are aggravated due to lifestyle and dietary habits; identifying these problems at an early stage can help you reduce your health risks over time and live a healthier life overall.
  • Better Medical Outcomes: With preventative checkups, you can prevent difficult health conditions and also treat conditions in their early stages. This allows for better medical outcomes overall and helps you stay healthier. Conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases can all prove to be fatal if left unchecked. With preventative screening and lifestyle changes, it is possible to alter the course of disease progression and prevent the condition from becoming chronic and fatal over time.
  • Better Quality of Life: Most health problems cause symptoms that hamper your quality of life. Apart from seasonal flu and fever, the symptoms of most other conditions are considered a part of growing older. But it generally isn’t. In most cases, symptoms that affect your health are caused by underlying health conditions, even if they initially seem harmless. With preventative screening and health checkups, you can treat the symptoms that affect your quality of life and prevent serious illnesses in the process.
  • Improved Lifespan: When you are able to prevent chronic conditions, it improves your lifespan and allows you to live a healthy life without having to go through medical treatments constantly.
  • Lower Medical Costs: Preventative health checkups can help you diagnose conditions early, and in the process, it allows you to reduce the need to go through extensive medical treatment. With early diagnosis, you can avoid having to go through expensive surgical or modern therapeutic treatments. By taking preventative measures, you will also help reduce the pressure on the medical infrastructure of the country, which will help you get the required treatment in time when you need it.

Preventative Health Checkups That Every Indian Woman Must Go Through

 Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer is very common among Indian women. Finding it early makes treatment more effective and increases survival chances. Regular screenings can catch cancer at an early stage when it’s most treatable. The tests commonly used to screen for breast cancer are mentioned below.

  • Mammogram: A mammogram is a specialised X-ray that captures detailed images of the breast. Women aged 40 and older should get a mammogram every 1-2 years. Women with a family history of breast cancer should talk to their doctor about starting screenings earlier and possibly doing them more often. Mammograms can find cancer before symptoms appear, which can lead to better treatment options and medical outcomes.
  • Breast Self-Examination (BSE): Besides mammograms, women should check their breasts themselves every month. This involves looking for any changes, like lumps or unusual discharge. Breast self-exams (BSE) are not a replacement for mammograms but are an important extra step for early detection and health awareness. However, in India, only 0.9% of women have had a breast exam to detect breast cancer. So, if you are over the age of 20, you should start self-performing this test to reduce your risk of breast cancer in the long run.

Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer is mainly caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The condition can be prevented and treated if found early. Regular screening tests for Women are important for spotting early signs of cervical cancer or diagnosing the condition at a precancerous stage. Some of the tests that are commonly used to screen for cervical cancer are mentioned below.

  • Pap Smear: A Pap smear is a test where a doctor collects cells from the cervix to check for any abnormal changes. This test can detect early signs of cervical problems, including pre-cancerous conditions. Women should begin Pap smear tests at age 21, and if the results are normal, doctors will recommend that they have the test every three years. The procedure is quick, usually painless, and involves the use of a speculum to open the vagina gently and a small brush to collect cell samples from the cervix. Detecting abnormalities early with a Pap smear makes treatment simpler and more effective, significantly reducing the risk of cervical cancer.
  • HPV Test: The HPV test checks for high-risk types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer. Women aged 30 and older should have an HPV test every 5 years. This test involves the same process as a Pap smear: a speculum is used to access the cervix, and a brush or swab collects cell samples. The HPV test can be done independently or combined with a Pap smear (co-testing). Co-testing is beneficial because it checks for both the virus and any cell changes, providing a more comprehensive evaluation of cervical health. Finding high-risk HPV early allows for close monitoring and timely intervention if needed.

According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) of India, only 1.9% of women aged between 30 and 49 have ever undergone cervical cancer screening. This includes 2.2% of women in urban areas and 1.7% in rural areas. Increasing awareness about cervical cancer screening can help improve the survival rate of the condition for everyone.

Bone Density Test

Osteoporosis weakens bones, increasing their susceptibility to fractures, especially in postmenopausal women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 30% 
of women after menopause have osteoporosis. In India, about 61 million people have osteoporosis, and 80% of them are women. Early bone density screenings can help prevent serious complications like fractures and the need to undergo extensive surgical treatments later in life.

  • DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry): This scan measures how strong and dense your bones are. Women aged 65 and older should have a bone density test to assess their bone health. If you have risk factors like a family history of osteoporosis, previous fractures, or long-term use of medications like steroids, you may need to start testing earlier. During the scan, you will lie still on a padded table while a machine with a moving arm passes low-dose X-rays over your body, focusing on key areas like your hip and spine. The scan is painless, takes between 10 and 30 minutes, and doesn’t require any special preparation.

Blood Pressure Check

High blood pressure, or hypertension, often goes unnoticed because it doesn’t have obvious symptoms. However, it can cause serious conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Regular monitoring and a healthy lifestyle are key to managing it effectively.

  • Blood Pressure Monitoring: Women should measure their blood pressure at least once every two years. Those with risk factors like diabetes or a family history of hypertension should check it more frequently. Regular monitoring helps detect high blood pressure early, enabling timely lifestyle changes or treatment to maintain heart health. An optimal blood pressure is usually around 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure monitoring is made easier today with digital blood pressure monitors that are readily available. You can also monitor your blood pressure with smartwatches and other smart devices today, which makes it easier to regularly keep your blood pressure levels in check.

Diabetes Screening

24 out of 1,000 women in India have diabetes, which affects around 8.2 million women between the ages of 15 and 49. Regular screenings help find diabetes early and manage it better. Here are some of the common blood tests that are used to screen for diabetes.

  • Fasting Blood Sugar Test: Women aged 45 and older should have their blood sugar levels checked every three years. If you have a family history of diabetes, you should start testing sooner and do it more often. A normal fasting blood sugar level is between 70 and 99 mg/dL.
  • HbA1c Test: This test indicates your average blood sugar level over the last three months. It helps diagnose diabetes and check how well your blood sugar is being managed. Regular HbA1c tests can help keep diabetes under control and prevent complications. For most people, an HbA1c level below 5.7% is considered normal. Levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate prediabetes, and 6.5% or higher suggest diabetes.

Lipid Profile (Cholesterol Test)

High cholesterol can heighten your risk of heart disease and stroke. Regular cholesterol tests help you monitor your levels and make changes if needed. 

Women aged 20 and above should have their cholesterol levels checked every 4-6 years. This test measures the levels of various fats in your blood, including HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides, which are essential for assessing heart health. You may need to fast for 9-12 hours beforehand to prepare. Regular lipid profile tests help monitor and manage cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and maintaining cardiovascular health.

Thyroid Function Test

Thyroid problems are prevalent among women in India and can lead to symptoms like extreme fatigue, weight gain, and depression. A survey from 2019 to 2021 found that 2.7% of Indian women reported having a thyroid disorder or goitre. Regular screenings are essential for detecting and managing thyroid issues early. The test used to monitor your thyroid hormone levels is mentioned below.

  • TSH Test (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone): Starting at age 35, women should get their thyroid levels checked every 5 years. This test measures the hormone that controls how the thyroid gland functions. More frequent testing may be necessary if you have thyroid symptoms or a family history of thyroid disease. Regular TSH tests help ensure your thyroid is working properly and allow for early intervention if problems arise.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Lastly, a Complete Blood Count (CBC) test gives a general overview of your health by checking the levels of different blood cells in your body. It can help you detect conditions like anaemia or infections.

  • CBC Test: This test checks different components of your blood, including red and white blood cells and platelets. Regular CBC tests are important for tracking your overall health and spotting potential issues early.


Preventive health checkups are essential for maintaining women's wellness and detecting potential health issues early. These health screenings help ensure that Indian women can lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Making women's health a priority today leads to a brighter and healthier future for all women tomorrow. To learn more about women’s health problems and their treatment options, check out MASSH. 

Our preventative and functional medicine treatment options allow women to opt for lifestyle and dietary changes to treat chronic health conditions without depending on medicinal treatment. Check out our website to learn more about preventative medicine and treatment at MASSH or visit us today to consult with our gynaecological experts.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Get the Best Kidney Stone Laser Treatment in Delhi

If you are struggling with stones in your kidney, don't be afraid , MASSH  Super speciality hospital is offering the best and advanced technique for kidney stones, including Laser treatment, RIRS, Miniperc, and PCNL.

Our expert urologists and state-of-the-art technology ensure precise and minimally invasive procedures for quick recovery and optimal results

Why Choose MASSH for Kidney Stone Treatment?

  • Laser Treatment: Precision laser technology to break down stones with minimal discomfort.

  • RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery): Advanced technique for treating kidney stones through the urinary tract without any incisions.

  • Miniperc (Mini Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy): A minimally invasive procedure using smaller instruments for reduced recovery time.

  • PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy): Effective for larger stones, this procedure involves making a small incision to remove the stones directly.

At MASSH, we prioritize patient care, safety, and comfort. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. 

Don't let kidney stones affect your quality of life. Choose the best in kidney stone laser treatment at MASSH and experience the difference.

Contact Us Today to Book Your Consultation

Call us at 011-35021666

Visit us at B-18, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi - 110048 

Friday, April 5, 2024

What are the types of Kidney Cancer?


Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, originates when cells in the kidneys grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor. These tumors can develop in the small tubes within the kidneys, where urine is produced, or in the renal pelvis, where urine collects before it is drained into the bladder.

Watch the video, where Dr. Ankit Goel provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of kidney cancer.

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☎ 011-35021666

📍B-18, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi - 110048

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Monday, February 12, 2024

What is The Most Effective Treatment for an Enlarged Prostate?


Watch this video by Dr. Ankit to discover the most effective treatment for an enlarged prostate. Contact us at MASSH today to schedule a consultation!

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B-18, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi - 110048

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Top Major Reason For Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual wellness problem among men that has been rising in numbers drastically over the years. Due to the stress that’s associated with modern metropolitan lifestyle men below the age of 30 are also starting to have problems like ED. This condition was previously associated only with ageing men as a part of age-related health problems. So, what’s causing this rise in ED cases among men of all ages? To understand that, let’s first define what qualifies as erectile dysfunction, its causes, and how you can get ED treatment in Delhi.

What Qualifies As Erectile Dysfunction?

Everyone has moments where they can’t perform sexually. Every isolated incident of not being able to maintain or get an erection doesn’t qualify as erectile dysfunction. There are three conditions that qualify as erectile dysfunction if they persist.

  • Not being able to get an erection firm enough for sex
  • Not being able to maintain an erection
  • Serious reduction in sexual desires

If the problems persist to the point it start hampering your quality of life, feel free to visit an erectile dysfunction causes doctor in Delhi. They will help you understand the underlying conditions that may be causing ED. But before you visit the doctor, let’s learn about the common causes of weak erection to help you understand your condition better.

Common Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and psychological reasons. Understanding the reasons or causes of ED can help you get over the problem yourself. With the right physical therapy and medical treatment, almost all cases of ED based on the underlying causes can be treated. With that being said, let’s explore the different physical and psychological causes of ED.

Physical Causes

  • Alcoholism: Alcoholism is one of the primary causes of erectile dysfunction in men. Studies have shown that drinking alcohol interferes with brain functions. The brain sends messages to the penis to fill with blood upon arousal. Drinking too much alcohol can make it difficult for your brain to send those messages, causing ED. For people who suffer from alcohol addiction, it can reduce the production of testosterone in their body, which can also be a cause of ED.

  • Sleep disorders: Sleep is necessary for the normal physical functioning of your body. Alcoholism affects your sleep cycles as well. Problems like insomnia can affect your sleep cycle independently too, all of which can lead to problems like ED. Specific sleep disorders like nocturia, and obstructive sleep apnea are very common causes for ED. It is important to get your sleep problems fixed, and it can make a drastic improvement to any ED problems you may have.

  • Low testosterone levels: Low testosterone levels can be caused by several health problems. If your doctors suspect low testosterone levels to be the cause of ED, they will ask you to get blood tests to understand the underlying cause of low testosterone levels. Based on your age, lifestyle, and general health, doctors may recommend a course of treatment to you that helps you treat ED.

  • Obesity: A lot of people consider ageing is a cause of ED, but it is not. Obesity is a much greater risk of ED compared to ageing. Obesity causes hormonal imbalance in the body which in turn increases your risk of ED. It is important to maintain a healthy body weight as you grow older. Doctors may be able to help you with appropriate lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce your risk of obesity and in turn ED.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes can cause obesity and it can also cause hormonal imbalances in your body. Based on the type of diabetes you have, doctors will put you in a dedicated treatment plan to manage diabetes. It will include medical treatment as well as lifestyle and dietary changes. With better management of your diabetic levels, you should see improvement with problems like ED.

  • Smoking & tobacco use: Smoking causes problems with your circulatory system. Smokers are considered at a high risk of conditions like ED because of the circulatory risk it possesses. Studies have shown that smokers are twice as likely to develop conditions like ED. Quitting smoking is the only way to treat ED, if it is the underlying cause for your condition.

Psychological Causes

  • Relationship problems: Sexual arousal and intimacy is optimal when there’s a clear line of communication between the two partners involved. If you are distressed in the relationship it can be difficult to get aroused and perform sexually with your partner. Doctors will often recommend counselling and therapy to couples suffering from relationship problems to improve their sex lives. If ED is being caused by psychological causes only, these treatment options generally help treat the condition.

  • Stress: Stress is complicated because everybody is stressed nowadays, but everybody doesn’t have ED. The thing is, stress has different effects on your body and long-term stress even causes physical health problems for your body. From eating disorders leading to obesity and sleep issues, stress can negatively impact your health in many ways. This makes managing stress a very important part of dealing with problems like ED.

  • Mental health problems: Problems like depression can be a major cause of problems like ED. This is mainly because depression can reduce your sex drive drastically, which can cause ED. You must get medical help as and when required if you feel you are experiencing symptoms of depression. With the right medical treatment and counselling, it is possible to find improvements in your sex drive and with problems like ED soon after you start treatment.


Erectile dysfunction is an important medical condition that people don’t talk about enough. Even though medically the condition is treatable in most cases, people don’t come forward with their issues leading to delayed diagnosis and the need for extensive medical treatments. It is possible to find easy and discreet ED treatment in Delhi. If you are experiencing any problems, feel free to visit us at MASSH or check out our website to learn about lifestyle changes you can do yourself to improve your sexual health.


Beer for Kidney Stones: Myths Vs Facts

  Kidney stones are a common health problem faced by over 115 million people worldwide. As a common health problem, various treatment option...